This Side of Paradise
by Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Listen to streaming audio of This Side of Paradise audiobook and download all Francis Scott Fitzgerald audiobooks in MP3,and M4B formats for free from our library.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald narrates his autobiography of parted love with Zelda Sayre through the protagonist Amory Blaine in his debut novel This Side of Paradise. Amory Blaine, a Princeton university student wish to pursue his career in literature and considering his mother's friend as mentor. After breaking up with his love, he went on to serve world war. On returning from war field he is longing for Rosalind Connage, who parts away from him. His tough times continue when he hears about death of his mentor.Similar Bookshelves
Fiction RomanceListen To Streaming Audio
- 01 Bk1, Ch1, Pt1
- 02 Bk1, Ch1, Pt2
- 03 Bk1, Ch1, Pt3
- 04 Bk1, Ch2, Pt1
- 05 Bk1, Ch2, Pt2
- 06 Bk1, Ch2, Pt3
- 07 Bk1, Ch3, Pt1
- 08 Bk1, Ch3, Pt2
- 09 Bk1, Ch3, Pt3
- 10 Bk1, Ch4, Pt1
- 11 Bk1, Ch4, Pt2
- 12 Bk1, Ch4, Pt3
- 13 Bk2, Ch1, Pt1
- 14 Bk2, Ch1, Pt2
- 15 Bk2, Ch1, Pt3
- 16 Bk2, Ch2, Pt1
- 17 Bk2, Ch2, Pt2
- 18 Bk2, Ch3, Pt1
- 19 Bk2, Ch3, Pt2
- 20 Bk2, Ch4
- 21 Bk2, Ch5, Pt1
- 22 Bk2, Ch5, Pt2
This Side of Paradise audiobook is available for free download in MP3, M4Bfile formats and also can be listened as iTunes Podcast.
M4B Part 1