• The Story of Mankind

The Story of Mankind

by Hendrik Willem Van Loon

Listen to streaming audio of The Story of Mankind audiobook and download all Hendrik Willem Van Loon audiobooks in MP3,and M4B formats for free from our library.


Written and illustrated by Dutch-American historian Hendrik Willem van Loon, this reference book The Story of Mankind details the transformation of civilization from stone age to the modern states. If you want to learn how human race evolved to what we are today through contribution in arts, culture, religion, inventions, philosophy and technology. A post-world war edition has an added chapter detailing the impact of world war on civilization.

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  • 00 Foreword
  • 01 The Setting of the Stage
  • 02 Our Earliest Ancestors
  • 03 Prehistoric Man
  • 04 Hieroglyphics
  • 05 The Nile Valley
  • 06 The Story of Egypt
  • 07 Mesopotamia
  • 08 The Sumerians
  • 09 Moses
  • 10 The Phoenicians
  • 11 The Indo-Europeans
  • 12 The Aegean Sea
  • 13 The Greeks
  • 14 The Greek Cities
  • 15 Greek Self-Government
  • 16 Greek Life
  • 17 The Greek Theatre
  • 18 The Persian Wars
  • 19 Athens vs. Sparta
  • 20 Alexander the Great
  • 21 A Summary
  • 22 Rome and Carthage
  • 23 The Rise of Rome
  • 24 The Roman Empire
  • 25 Joshua of Nazareth
  • 26 The Fall of Rome
  • 27 Rise of the Church
  • 28 Mohammed
  • 29 Charlemagne
  • 30 The Norsemen
  • 31 Feudalism
  • 32 Chivalry
  • 33 Pope vs. Emperor
  • 34 The Crusades
  • 35 The Mediaeval City
  • 36 Mediaeval Self-Government
  • 37 The Mediaeval World
  • 38 Mediaeval Trade
  • 39 The Renaissance
  • 40 The Age of Expression
  • 41 The Great Discoveries
  • 42 Buddha and Confucius
  • 43 The Reformation
  • 44 Religious Warfare
  • 45 The English Revolution
  • 46 The Balance of Power
  • 47 The Rise of Russia
  • 48 Russia vs Sweden
  • 49 The Rise of Prussia
  • 50 The Mercantile System
  • 51 The American Revolution
  • 52 The French Revolution
  • 53 Napoleon
  • 54 The Holy Alliance
  • 55 The Great Reaction
  • 56 National Independence
  • 57 The Age of the Engine
  • 58 The Social Revolution
  • 59 Emancipation
  • 60 The Age of Science
  • 61 Art
  • 62 Colonial Expansion and War
  • 63 A New World
  • 64 As It Shall Ever Be


The Story of Mankind audiobook is available for free download in MP3, M4Bfile formats and also can be listened as iTunes Podcast.

M4B Part 1
M4B Part 2
M4B Part 3