• The Souls of Black Folk

The Souls of Black Folk

by W. E. B. Du Bois

Listen to streaming audio of The Souls of Black Folk audiobook and download all W. E. B. Du Bois audiobooks in MP3,and M4B formats for free from our library.


The Souls of Black Folk is one of the early books on sociology written by African American and civil rights activist W. E. B. Du Bois. Most of the essays are from the author's own life experiences which makes the authenticity of the work much more credible.  Du Bois criticizes the view of white race on black who falsely spreads the word on blacks stating them to be violent and lazy which is not true.

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Listen To Streaming Audio

  • 01 The Forethought & Chapter 1 Of Our Spiritual Strivings
  • 02 Chapter 2 Of the Dawn of Freedom, part 1
  • 03 Chapter 2 Of the Dawn of Freedom, part 2
  • 04 Chapter 3 Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others
  • 05 Chapter 4 Of the Meaning of Progress
  • 06 Chapter 5 Of the Wings of Atalanta
  • 07 Chapter 6 Of the Training of Black Men
  • 08 Chapter 7 Of the Black Belt, part 1
  • 09 Chapter 7 Of the Black Belt, part 2
  • 10 Chapter 8 Of the Quest of the Golden Fleece, part 1
  • 11 Chapter 8 Of the Quest of the Golden Fleece, part 2
  • 12 Chapter 9 Of the Sons of Master and Man, part 1
  • 13 Chapter 9 Of the Sons of Master and Man, part 2
  • 14 Chapter 10 Of the Faith of the Fathers
  • 15 Chapter 11 Of the Passing of the First-Born
  • 16 Chapter 12 Of Alexander Crummell
  • 17 Chapter 13 Of the Coming of John
  • 18 Chapter 14 Of the Sorrow Songs & Afterthought


The Souls of Black Folk audiobook is available for free download in MP3, M4Bfile formats and also can be listened as iTunes Podcast.

M4B Part 1
M4B Part 2