The Master of the World
by Jules Verne
Listen to streaming audio of The Master of the World audiobook and download all Jules Verne audiobooks in MP3,and M4B formats for free from our library.
The Master of the World is an adventure novel written by Jules Verne during his ailing health conditions. People in the United states witness an object travels at lightning speed, threatens the life. John Strock is deputed to investigate the threat, and his investigations reveals that Robur, an inventor created a device named Terror, which can transform itself to travel in road, air and sea at unimaginable speeds. Could John Strock stop the Terror?Similar Bookshelves
Science Fiction Mystery & DetectiveListen To Streaming Audio
- 01: What Happened in the Mountains
- 02: I Reach Morganton
- 03: The Great Eyrie
- 04: A Meeting of the Automobile Club
- 05: Along the Shores of New England
- 06: The First Letter
- 07: A Third Machine
- 08: At Any Cost
- 09: The Second Letter
- 10: Outside the Law
- 11: The Campaign
- 12: Black Rock Creek
- 13: On Board the Terror
- 14: Niagara
- 15: The Eagle s Nest
- 16: Robur the Conqueror
- 17: In the Name of the Law
- 18: The Old Housekeeper s Last Comment
The Master of the World audiobook is available for free download in MP3, M4Bfile formats and also can be listened as iTunes Podcast.
M4B Part 1