Samuel Taylor Coleridge audiobooks
Lyrical Ballads
by Samuel Taylor ColeridgeCollectively written by English Poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, this poetry collection Lyrical Ballads has become a landmark of modern English poetry and literature. While most of the poems are written by Wordsworth in the first edition, Coleridge's contributed to the collection with most popular work of his life time The Rime..
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
by Samuel Taylor ColeridgeSamuel Taylor Coleridge's popular poetry The Rime of the Ancient Mariner narrates the incidents following a sailing crew and their unnecessary actions leading them to miserable situation. A deadly storm moves the mariner to an unknown region, and an albatross leads them to the right path. The crew kills the albatross without thinking and cursed to ..
Answer to a Child's Question
by Samuel Taylor ColeridgeDo you ask what the birds say? The Sparrow, the Dove,The Linnet and Thrush say, “I love and I love!”In the winter they’re silent—the wind is so strong;What it says, I don’t know, but it sings a loud song.But green leaves, and blossoms, and sunny warm weather,And singing, and loving—all come back together.But the Lark is so brimful of gladness and l..