• Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet

by William Shakespeare

Listen to streaming audio of Romeo and Juliet audiobook and download all William Shakespeare audiobooks in MP3,and M4B formats for free from our library.


Romeo and Juliet  written by William Shakespeare, is the everlasting romance story of western literature.  A happy ending romance becomes a life, the tragic end becomes history. Even though it was written five hundred years ago, the lead character names Romeo and Juliet became the synonyms for young lovers of the contemporary world and would continue to be so even for years to come.

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Listen To Streaming Audio

  • 1 Act I
  • 2 Act II
  • 3 Act III
  • 4 Act IV
  • 5 Act V


Romeo and Juliet audiobook is available for free download in MP3, M4Bfile formats and also can be listened as iTunes Podcast.

M4B Part 1