Non-Fiction audiobooks
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by H. G. WellsH.G. Wells explores the influence of the scientific innovations in every aspects of human life including education, business, work, politics and philosophy through his philosophical work Anticipations with its full title reads as "Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human Life and Thought". His thoughts are expr..
God, the Invisible King
by H. G. WellsWells' non-fiction work God, the Invisible King sets out as forcibly and exactly as possible the religious belief of the writer. That belief is not orthodox Christianity; it is not, indeed, Christianity at all; its core nevertheless is a profound belief in a personal and intimate God. There is nothing in its statements that need shock or offend any..
Fanny Hill
by John ClelandFame for its explicit themes and obscenity, John Cleland’s novel Fanny Hill narrates the story of Juvenile girl Fanny. Becoming an Orphan at the Age of Fifteen, Fanny’s migration to London starts with disappointment as her Village friend Esther abandons her as soon as she arrived. During her effort to make a living, Fanny was exploited by a long ..
A Kidnapped Santa Claus
by Lyman Frank BaumA Kidnapped Santa Claus is an extended version of Lyman Frank Baum's The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, and this work narrates the kidnapping of Claus by pagan daemons. The story starts with kidnapping and moves on to the daemons' failed attempts to change the character of Claus to selfishness, envy and hatred. The story then moves on to how C..
Essays of Robert Louis Stevenson
by Robert Louis StevensonROBERT LOUIS BALFOUR STEVENSON (1850–94), novelist, essayist, and poet, was descended from a famous family of lighthouse builders. He was born at Edinburgh, Scotland, and was intended for the ancestral profession of engineer. Abandoning this, he tried law with no better success, and finally devoted himself to his destined vocation of letters...
Celebrated Crimes
by Alexandre DumasBetween 1839 and 1841, with significant help from other writers, Alexandre Dumas wrote and published 18 essays about some of the most famous crimes in Europe. Presented in stark and often graphic detail, these included some of the current, and therefore popular cases of Dumas' day. This first volume tells the story of the infamous Borgia family, th..
Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 2: The Massacres of the South
by Alexandre DumasThis vintage book contains Alexandre Dumas’s historical chronicle “Massacres of the South – 1551-1815”. It was first published as part of his eight-volume series “Celebrated Crimes” (1839 – 1840), and recounts the fascinating story of the brutal battles fought in the south of France and Spain over two and a half centuries in the name of religion. A..
Chapters from my Autobiography
by Mark TwainThe Autobiography of Mark Twain refers to a lengthy set of reminiscences, dictated, for the most part, in the last few years of American author Mark Twain's life and left in typescript and manuscript at his death. The Autobiography comprises a rambling collection of anecdotes and ruminations rather than a conventional autobiography. Twain never com..