Non-Fiction audiobooks
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by G. K. ChestertonOrthodoxy is a book by G. K. Chesterton that has become a classic of Christian apologetics. Chesterton considered this book a companion to his other work, Heretics. In the book's preface Chesterton states the purpose is to "attempt an explanation, not of whether the Christian faith can be believed, but of how he personally has come to believe it." ..
Bushido, the Soul of Japan
by Inazo NitobeBushido, the Soul of Japan is a book on samurai ethics written by Japanese economist Inazo Nitobe who had active professions as educator and politician. Samurais are known for their characteristics of loyalty, politeness, bravery, sincerity, and self-control. The author explores the warriors of Japan and compares their counterpart of Medieval Chiva..
Black Beauty
by Anna SewellAnna Swell's Black Beauty is an autobiographical narration of the life of a Horse named Black Beauty. Anna's experience with hardship life of horse-drawn cab drivers of the then England provoked her to write this only novel which was published just before her death. The novel starts with Black Beauty's happy days in farm, moves to tough times as pu..
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
by David HumeAn Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding is a shortened and simplified version of David Hume's masterpiece A Treatise of Human Nature. It sought to reach a wider audience, and to dispel some of the virulent criticism addressed toward the former book. In it, Hume explains his theory of epistemology, and argues against other current theories, includ..
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
by Harriet A. JacobsIncidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is an autobiography of former slave Harriet A. Jacobs. Genders play key roles even in slavery as the female slaves are more prone to cruelty over their male counterparts, as they had to undergo the horrible life of rape and sexual abuses. They have additional burden of saving their children from the cruelty. Ha..
Eudemian Ethics
by AristotleThe Eudemian Ethics sometimes abbreviated EE in scholarly works, is a work of philosophy by Aristotle. Its primary focus is on Ethics, making it one of the primary sources available for study of Aristotelian Ethics. It is named for Eudemus of Rhodes, a pupil of Aristotle who may also have had a hand in editing the final work. It is commonly believe..
Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases
by Ida B. Wells-BarnettIda B. Wells-Barnett's pamphlet Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases awakened the American society that the Post Civil War did not change the racism entirely. With documented evidences Ida proved the failure of Federal Government to safe guard Black race's freedom and the rights to participate in the reconstruction of society. She urges th..
Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook
by Maria MontessoriRenowned Italian educator Maria Montessori describes the methods and philosophy behind her education method Montessori education, which is implemented worldwide. Maria mentions in the preface that though there has been many text books on her education model available, Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook would be an authoritative and authentic manual on M..