Nautical & Marine Fiction audiobooks
Heart of Darkness
by Joseph ConradHeart of Darkness is a novella written by the Polish writer Joseph Conrad. Charles Marlow is appointed as the captain of steamboat by an Ivory trading company and he narrates his experience traveling across the Congo river and fascination to meet Mr.Kurtz, who rules the region...
Moby Dick
by Herman MelvilleMoby Dick is an adventure novel written by Herman Melville and has been called as the modern novel in the literary circles due to the techniques specified in the novel was much advanced to the then period. Ishmael, an illegitimate child has to part away from his father. After becoming a sailor, his ship has been damaged by a whale and he also loses..
The Iliad
by HomerThe Iliad is a Greek Epic poetry believed to have been written by Homer, though there has been disputes that the poem could have been written by multiple authors. Along with Odyssey, The Iliad become the oldest surviving work of Greek literature. Narrates the incidents of Trojan war fought between King Agamemnon and the warrior Achilles in the city..
The Odyssey
by HomerThe Odyssey along with its prequel Iliad are the major ancient Greek poems written by Homer. Ten year Trojan war and the fall of Troy made Greek hero Odysseus's wife Penelope and son Telemachus to think he might have dead in the war. On the absence of Odysseus, they had to deal with unruly suitors the Mnesteres, who eats up the wealth and plot to m..
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
by Samuel Taylor ColeridgeSamuel Taylor Coleridge's popular poetry The Rime of the Ancient Mariner narrates the incidents following a sailing crew and their unnecessary actions leading them to miserable situation. A deadly storm moves the mariner to an unknown region, and an albatross leads them to the right path. The crew kills the albatross without thinking and cursed to ..
Lord Jim
by Joseph ConradJoseph Conrad's sea fiction Lord Jim narrates the story of a young aspiring sailors transformation from cowardliness to bravery. Lord Jim, a deputy captains of a pilgrimage ship is put to humiliation, when the crew was escaping while the ship was about to sink. Unable to erase his memories of humiliation, he accepts the challenge of getting deputed..
Warlord of Mars
by Edgar Rice BurroughsWarlord of Mars is the third novel of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom series followed by The Gods of Mars. The story opens up with Carter's effort to save the three women including his wife princess Dejah Thoris, imprisoned in the the temple of sun. After escaping successfully from the temple of sun, Carter along with other women move to north region..
The Ebb-Tide: A Trio And Quartette
by Robert Louis StevensonCo-Authored by Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne, this adventure story The Ebb-Tide: A Trio And Quartette was published during the year of Stevenson's death. Herrick, Davis and Huish the trio lost their blessed life in various profession, as their ill-fate defame them. A second chance awaited them by a champagne cargo, which needed a new crew to complet..