Mark Twain audiobooks
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
by Mark TwainThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a children novel written by Mark Twain based on his childhood life in the banks of Mississippi river. Mark Twain became the first author to use typewriter for his manuscript though this novel which has been written completely in a typewriter. The mischievous life of Tom and Huck would be dream for any american boy su..
Life on the Mississippi
by Mark TwainLife on the Mississippi (1883) is a memoir by Mark Twain of his days as a steamboat pilot on the Mississippi River before the American Civil War, and also a travel book, recounting his trip along the Mississippi River from St. Louis to New Orleans many years after the War. The book begins with a brief history of the river as reported by Europeans a..
Roughing It
by Mark TwainRoughing It is a collection of humor stories based on the incidents during Mark Twain's travel which spanned across six years from 1861 to 67 during his younger days. In fact it was presumed by Twain as a prequel to his work "Innocents abroad". Throughout the book the readers can witness the Twain's humorist writing combined with his adventures...
The Prince and the Pauper
by Mark TwainThe Prince and the Pauper is a children's novel written by Mark Twain. Being identical does not necessarily to be having the identical abilities. This novel narrates the life of two identical boys with contrasting life style swap their identity. Prince Edward and Pauper Tom trying to live on the other's life and finding it hard to cope up. King's d..
The Innocents Abroad
by Mark TwainThe Innocents Abroad is a travel book by Mark Twain, of his adventures traveling through Europe and the Middle East with other Americans. Voyaging on the steamship Quaker City‚ the sightseers first make stops in Europe‚ including Paris‚ Milan‚ Venice‚ Florence‚ Rome and Athens. Their journey culminates in an extended trip through the Holy Land and..
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
by Mark TwainA Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court is a time travel fiction novel written by Mark Twain, about how scientific knowledge can make you pretend to be supernatural human. Hank Morgan, a skilled engineer in firearms manufacturing met a head injury and become unconscious. When he woke up, he was surprised to see he had been transported back t..
Eve's Diary
by Mark TwainEve's Diary is a comical narration of the first women Eve's life from her creation, her life at Eden, meeting her man Adam and her expulsion from Eden. Unlike other books of series, Eve's diary is written in lighter tone with a strong appreciation for beauty and love. It is believed that the death of his wife Olivia Langdon Clemens would have provo..
A Tramp Abroad
by Mark TwainConsidered to be the sequel of his earlier work The Innocents Abroad, Mark Twain's A Tramp Abroad narrates his journey to Europe along with his friend Harris. Though the team had a goal of walking, there were inevitable moments of using other modes of travel. Throughout the travel though Twain has to pretend to understand what ever he see, in reali..