John Stuart Mill audiobooks
On Liberty
by John Stuart MillOne of the key texts on political philosophy, John Stuart Mill's On Liberty emphasizes the importance of individuality which he conceived as a prerequisite to the higher pleasures—the summum bonum of Utilitarianism. Furthermore, Mill criticised the errors of past attempts to defend individuality where, for example, democratic ideals resulted in the..
by John Stuart MillJohn Stuart Mill's book Utilitarianism is one of the most influential and widely-read philosophical defenses of utilitarianism in ethics. The essay first appeared as a series of three articles published in Fraser's Magazine in 1861; the articles were collected and reprinted as a single book in 1863. It went through four editions during Mill's lifet..
Principles Of Political Economy
by John Stuart MillOne of the eminent textbooks on economics, Principles of Political Economy is a 19th century political economy by John Stuart Mill which went on to several revisions till the author's death. Beside discussing descriptive issues such as which nations tended to benefit more in a system of trade based on comparative advantage (Mill's answer: those wit..
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy
by John Stuart MillEssays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy is a treatise on political economics by John Stuart Mill. Walras' law, a principle in general equilibrium theory named in honour of Léon Walras, was first expressed by Mill in this treatise...
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill
by John Stuart MillJohn Stuart Mill was born at 13 Rodney Street in Pentonville, Middlesex, the eldest son of the Scottish philosopher, historian and economist James Mill, and Harriet Burrow. John Stuart was educated by his father, with the advice and assistance of Jeremy Bentham and Francis Place. He was given an extremely rigorous upbringing, and was deliberately s..
Considerations on Representative Government
by John Stuart MillConsiderations on Representative Government is a book by John Stuart Mill published in 1861. Mill argues for representative government, the ideal form of government in his opinion. One of the more notable ideas Mill puts forth in the book is that the business of government representatives is not to make legislation. Instead Mill suggests that repre..
Auguste Comte and Positivism
by John Stuart MillA fascinating work in which Mill reviews the rational "religion" of French philospher Auguste Comte, discussing Comte's great work on human behavior. One of the foremost figures of Western intellectual thought in the late 19th century, John Stuart Mill offered up examinations of human rights, personal and societal rights and responsibilities, and t..