James Allen audiobooks
As a Man Thinketh
by James AllenJames Allen's philosophical work As a Man Thinketh is a motivational book which illustrates the power of thought. Allen's philosophy is that thoughts are everything and it lead a person to success or miserable...
Above Life's Turmoil
by James AllenAbove Life's Turmoil - by James Allen - Inspirational to Motivational - We cannot alter external things, nor shape other people to our liking, nor mould the world to our wishes but we can alter internal things, -our desires, passions, thoughts, -we can shape our liking to other people, and we can mould the inner world of our own mind in accordance ..
Eight Pillars of Prosperity
by James AllenDiscussion on Energy, Economy, Integrity, Systems, Sympathy, Sincerity, Impartiality, Self-Reliance, and the Temple of Prosperity. It is popularly supposed that a greater prosperity for individuals or nations can only come through a political and social reconstruction.This cannot be true apart from the practice of the moral virtues in the individua..
Byways to Blessedness
by James AllenIn Byways of Blessedness James Allen instructs us on how to improve our life and spiritual wellbeing through the power of positive thinking. Allen teaches how to see what is right in front of us and to not simply rush by. Life is full of beginnings. They are presented every day and every hour to every person. Most beginnings are small, and appear t..
Foundation Stones to Happiness and Success
by James AllenThis is one of James Allen's final works. It covers living in happiness and gaining success. It was published in 1913 after his death. This small and attractive work contains many beautiful and choice thoughts upon the principles and methods of right living to ensure spiritual satisfaction, blessedness, and peace. This work is imbued with the Autho..
From Passion to Peace
by James AllenThis book covers base human emotions and guides a transition into divine human qualities. It was published in 1910. James Allen said the object of the volume is to: "Illuminate the pathway of saints and sages; the road of the wise and pure; the highway along which the saviors have trod." From the opening chapter on "Passion" through "Aspiration," "..
All These Things Added
by James AllenAll These Things Added is a seminal work and an essential read by one the great new thought leaders British philosophical writer James Allen who was a pioneer of new thought in the 19th Century. This classic book is a perfect introduction to those that wish go beyond the basics of thought attraction and to explore the deeper and esoteric aspects of..