Humor audiobooks
by Jane AustenEmma is a novel written by Jane Austen which explores the then society when women were not natural inheritors of wealth. Blend with humor and comedy this novel narrates many social phenomena like marriage, legality, immorality and many controversial subjects which were against women of the then society...
The Importance of Being Earnest
by Oscar WildeThe Importance of Being Earnest is a comedy play dramatized by Oscar Wilde and is considered as the master piece of the the author...
The Canterville Ghost
by Oscar WildeThe Canterville Ghost is a short story written by Oscar Wilde which conveys the message of frightening can not be easy always even for ghosts. Sir Simon who had been able to create fear to the residents for decades in his haunted house, he could not repeat the same when Mrs.Otis family bought the house in spite of warnings from neighboring residen..
Three Men in a Boat
by Jerome K. JeromeThree Men in a Boat is a humorous account by English writer Jerome K. Jerome recalling his memories of a boating holiday in Thames along with his two real life friends. A fictional character named Montmorency, a dog has been included in the story. This novel was written during the time that boating was considered as a leis..
by George Bernard ShawDramatized by Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, the play Pygmalion exactly reflects Greek mythical character through Professor Henry Higgins who falls in love with Eliza Doolittle, a Cockney flower girl who was being trained by him on etiquette and accent to mingle with upper class society. However the domination of professor is not liked by he..
Anne of Green Gables
by Lucy Maud MontgomeryAnne of Green Gables is a coming of age fiction novel written by Lucy Maud Montgomery about an orphan girl Annie Shirley and her lovable nature which went on to winning the hearts of not only the characters in the novel but every reader world wide. Prince Edward Island residents Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert were looking for a boy to take care of th..
Northanger Abbey
by Jane AustenNorthanger Abbey is the first novel to be published by Jane Austen, which chronicles the ignorance of Catherine, a 17 years old girl who wish to encounter with Gothic terror as she reads too many Gothic novels and imagine herself as a character in the novel. This novel narrates the nightmares of Catherine and pinnacle of it when she visit Northange..
The Idiot
by Fyodor DostoyevskyFyodor Dostoyevsky's philosophical novel The Idiot chronicles the society which lost humanity and obsessed towards money, sex and power. There is a proverb "When you are in Rome, behave like a Roman", but if you can't behave like a Roman what would happen. Myshkin who suffered with epilepsy treated for years and retuns to his native for better life..