Group of Noble Dames
by Thomas Hardy
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A Group of Noble Dames is an 1891 collection of short stories written by Thomas Hardy. The stories are contained by a frame narrative in which ten members of a club each tell one story about a noble dame in the 17th or 18th century.
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Historical Fiction Short StoriesListen To Streaming Audio
- Preface
- Dame the First: The First Countess of Wessex (part 1)
- Dame the First: The First Countess of Wessex (part 2)
- Dame the Second: Barbara of the House of Grebe (part 1)
- Dame the Second: Barbara of the House of Grebe (part 2)
- Dame the Third: The Marchioness of Stonehenge
- Dame the Fourth: Lady Mottisfont
- Dame the Fifth: The Lady Icenway
- Dame the Sixth: Squire Petrick's Lady
- Dame the Seventh: Anna, Lady Baxby
- Dame the Eighth: The Lady Penelope
- Dame the Ninth: The Duchess of Hamptonshire
- Dame the Tenth: The Honourable Laura
Group of Noble Dames audiobook is available for free download in MP3, M4Bfile formats and also can be listened as iTunes Podcast.
M4B Part 1