Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases
by Greenville Kleiser
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Greenville Kleiser's reference book Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases was written to understand our false use of phrases in every day communication with out understanding the real meaning of those phrases. In the preface author mentions as "All persons should avoid using words whose meanings they do not know, and with the correct application of which they are unfamiliar. The best spoken and the best written English is that which conforms to the language as used by men and women of culture—a high standard, it is true, but one not so high that it is unattainable by any earnest student of the English tongue."Similar Bookshelves
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- 000 Introduction
- 001 How To Use This Book
- 002 Plan of Study
- 003 Useful Phrases: abandoned hope ample culture
- 004 Useful Phrases: amusing artlessness azure sky
- 005 Useful Phrases: babbling gossip bygone period
- 006 Useful Phrases: cabalistic phrase collateral duties
- 007 Useful Phrases: collective wisdom contingent reasons
- 008 Useful Phrases: continuous endeavor cynical disregard
- 009 Useful Phrases: damaging admission diligently propagated
- 010 Useful Phrases: dim comprehension dynastic insolence
- 011 Useful Phrases: eager animosity entrancing sadness
- 012 Useful Phrases: enveloping presence exultant condition
- 013 Useful Phrases: facetious mood flickering conscience
- 014 Useful Phrases: flighty obstinacy futile babble
- 015 Useful Phrases: gabbling reminiscences gymnastic agility
- 016 Useful Phrases: habitual deference hysterical agitation
- 017 Useful Phrases: iconoclastic attitude incipient fancy
- 018 Useful Phrases: incisive critic inquisitional rack
- 019 Useful Phrases: inquisitive observer isolated splendor
- 020 Useful Phrases: jaded sensibility lying equivocations
- 021 Useful Phrases: maddening monotony meteoric splendors
- 022 Useful Phrases: methodical regularity mythical kingdom
- 023 Useful Phrases: naive manner overworked drudge
- 024 Useful Phrases: pacific disposition political malcontent
- 025 Useful Phrases: polluting taints pyrotechnic outburst
- 026 Useful Phrases: quailing culprit remarkable sagacity
- 027 Useful Phrases: remedial measure ruthless commercialism
- 028 Useful Phrases: sacerdotal preeminence shuddering reluct
- 029 Useful Phrases: shuffling preliminaries starched sterili
- 030 Useful Phrases: starlit eminence systematic interaction
- 031 Useful Phrases: tacit assumption tyrannical disposition
- 032 Useful Phrases: ubiquitous activity undue predilection
- 033 Useful Phrases: undulating hills unpalatable truth
- 034 Useful Phrases: unparalleled atrocities utmost scorn
- 035 Useful Phrases: vacant stupidity vulnerable foe
- 036 Useful Phrases: wabbling enterprise zoologically conside
- 037 Significant Phrases: abashed and ashamed awkwardness and
- 038 Significant Phrases: babel and confusion civilized and c
- 039 Significant Phrases: clamorous and wild cynical and cont
- 040 Significant Phrases: dangers and pitfalls digressive and
- 041 Significant Phrases: dilatory and hesitating dwindle and
- 042 Significant Phrases: eagerness and ecstasy exuberant and
- 043 Significant Phrases: fabulous and fabricated futile and
- 044 Significant Phrases: gaiety and grace hypocrisy and impu
- 045 Significant Phrases: ideas and achievements indomitable
- 046 Significant Phrases: indorsed and applauded isolated and
- 047 Significant Phrases: jabber and chatter luxury and pomp
- 048 Significant Phrases: madness and folly mystic and wonder
- 049 Significant Phrases: nagging and squabbling overworked a
- 050 Significant Phrases: pains and penalties puzzled and aff
- 051 Significant Phrases: quackery and incompetence rust and
- 052 Significant Phrases: sad and melancholy spacious and lof
- 053 Significant Phrases: sparkling and spontaneous sympathet
- 054 Significant Phrases: taciturn and laconic tyrant and opp
- 055 Significant Phrases: unaccountable and grotesque vulgar
- 056 Significant Phrases: wandering and erratic zigzag and de
- 057 Felicitous Phrases: ability, humor, and perspicacity bus
- 058 Felicitous Phrases: curious, fantastic, and charming cal
- 059 Felicitous Phrases: dwarfed, scant, and wretched danger,
- 060 Felicitous Phrases: eagerness, heartiness, and vehemence
- 061 Felicitous Phrases: gaunt, desolate, and despoiled humor
- 062 Felicitous Phrases: idle, profuse, and profligate luxuri
- 063 Felicitous Phrases: magnificent, sumptuous, and stately
- 064 Felicitous Phrases: pain, toil, and privation puzzles, t
- 065 Felicitous Phrases: quarrels, misunderstandings, and enmit
- 066 Felicitous Phrases: sacredness, dignity, and loveliness
- 067 Felicitous Phrases: talent, scholarship, and refinement
- 068 Impressive Phrases: able, skilful, business, profession
- 069 Impressive Phrases: candid, sincere, dull, heavy,
- 070 Impressive Phrases: earth, air, gross, academic,..
- 071 Impressive Phrases: habit, custom, lucidity, impressive
- 072 Impressive Phrases: malice, anger, purpose, meaning,
- 073 Edit: Impressive Phrases: quack, imposture, symmetry, p
- 074 Edit: Impressive Phrases: tact, courtesy, worry, annoya
- 075 Prepositional Phrases of: abandon of spontaneity busines
- 076 Prepositional Phrases of: cadences of delirium dust of d
- 077 Prepositional Phrases of: earnestness of enthusiasm futi
- 078 Prepositional Phrases of: gaiety of spirit irony of life
- 079 Prepositional Phrases of: jangle of sounds overflow of v
- 080 Prepositional Phrases of: page of desolation ruts of con
- 081 Prepositional Phrases of: sadness of soul system of aspe
- 082 Prepositional Phrases of: taint of megalomania zone of d
- 083 Prepositional Phrases by: affected by externals hushed b
- 084 Prepositional Phrases by: impelled by duty wrenched by e
- 085 Prepositional Phrases in: absorbed in meditation kept in
- 086 Prepositional Phrases in: landmarks in memory weak in co
- 087 Prepositional Phrases into: abashed into silence goaded
- 088 Prepositional Phrases into: hushed into silence withdraw
- 089 Prepositional Phrases to: addicted to flattery hostile t
- 090 Prepositional Phrases to: impervious to suggestion yield
- 091 Prepositional Phrases with: abounding with plenty intoxi
- 092 Prepositional Phrases with: kindle with enthusiasm work
- 093 Business Phrases
- 094 Literary Expressions: A bitterness crept into her face A
- 095 Literary Expressions: A painful thought was flooding his m
- 096 Literary Expressions: Absolutely vulgarized by too perpetu
- 097 Literary Expressions: Bandied about from mouth to mouth
- 098 Literary Expressions: Earth danced under a heat haze Gui
- 099 Literary Expressions: Half choked by a rising paroxysm of
- 100 Literary Expressions: I capitulated by inadvertence Kiss
- 101 Literary Expressions: Laden with the poignant scent of the
- 102 Literary Expressions: Sacrificed to a futile sort of tread
- 103 Literary Expressions: Taking the larger sweeps in the marc
- 104 Literary Expressions: The idiosyncratic peculiarities of t
- 105 Literary Expressions: The tempered daylight of an olive ga
- 106 Literary Expressions: Unapproachable grandeur and simplici
- 107 Striking Similes: A blind rage like a fire swept over him
- 108 Striking Similes: As a child in play scatters Awkward a
- 109 Striking Similes: Babbling like a child Dull as champagn
- 110 Striking Similes: Each like a corpse within its grave Gr
- 111 Striking Similes: Hair as harsh as tropical grass and gray
- 112 Striking Similes: I had grown pure as the dawn and the dew
- 113 Striking Similes: Laboring like a giant Like a yellow si
- 114 Striking Similes: Like an alien ghost I stole away Like
- 115 Striking Similes: Like the awful shadow of some unseen pow
- 116 Striking Similes: March on my soul nor like the laggard st
- 117 Striking Similes: Rage, rage ye tears, that never more sho
- 118 Striking Similes: Talking and thinking became to him Th
- 119 Striking Similes: The name that cuts into my soul like a k
- 120 Striking Similes: Theories sprouted in his mind like mushr
- 121 Striking Similes: Unbends like a loosened bow Youth like
- 122 Conversational Phrases: A most extraordinary idea! Human
- 123 Conversational Phrases: I admire your foresight I could
- 124 Edit: Conversational Phrases: I dare say your intuition is
- 125 Conversational Phrases: I shall at once proceed to forget
- 126 Conversational Phrases: It is a curious fact It would ta
- 127 Conversational Phrases: Join us, please, when you have tim
- 128 Conversational Phrases: Tell me in what way you want me to
- 129 Conversational Phrases: Undeniably true Would you mind t
- 130 Conversational Phrases: Yes and no Your statement is som
- 131 Public Speaking Phrases: A fact of vast moment And next
- 132 Public Speaking Phrases: And now allow me to call attentio
- 133 Public Speaking Phrases: Be assured, then But it has bee
- 134 Public Speaking Phrases: But it is a fact By this time i
- 135 Public Speaking Phrases: Can it be supposed Granting all
- 136 Public Speaking Phrases: Had I time for all that might be
- 137 Public Speaking Phrases: I abide by my statement I am wi
- 138 Public Speaking Phrases: I anticipate with pleasing expect
- 139 Public Speaking Phrases: I do again and again urge upon yo
- 140 Public Speaking Phrases: I have a dark suspicion I hope
- 141 Public Speaking Phrases: I imagine that no one will be dis
- 142 Public Speaking Phrases: I remember a reference made I t
- 143 Public Speaking Phrases: I think I am correct in saying
- 144 Public Speaking Phrases: If any man be so persuaded In w
- 145 Public Speaking Phrases: Indeed, can anyone tell me It i
- 146 Public Speaking Phrases: It is natural to ask the question
- 147 Public Speaking Phrases: It must be a cause of delight J
- 148 Public Speaking Phrases: Language is inadequate to voice m
- 149 Public Speaking Phrases: Nay, I boldly say Now, you will
- 150 Public Speaking Phrases: Observe again Surely it is not
- 151 Public Speaking Phrases: Take another instance The whole
- 152 Public Speaking Phrases: Then again, in corroboration Th
- 153 Public Speaking Phrases: This absurdity arises Very stra
- 154 Public Speaking Phrases: We all agree as to What strikes
- 155 Public Speaking Phrases: What, then, are we to believe Y
- 156 Miscellaneous Phrases: A bewildering labyrinth of facts
- 157 Miscellaneous Phrases: A bewildering labyrinth of facts
- 158 Miscellaneous Phrases: An abandoned and exaggerated grief
- 159 Miscellaneous Phrases: Bandied to and fro Dwindled to al
- 160 Miscellaneous Phrases: Easy-going to the point of lethargy
- 161 Miscellaneous Phrases: I adjured him Its dominating and
- 162 Miscellaneous Phrases: Jealous and formidable foes Quixo
- 163 Miscellaneous Phrases: Radiantly and transparently happy
- 164 Miscellaneous Phrases: Take root in the heart The sycoph
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases audiobook is available for free download in MP3, M4Bfile formats and also can be listened as iTunes Podcast.
M4B Part 1
M4B Part 2