Fiction audiobooks

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Notes from the Underground

Notes from the Underground

by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Fyodor Dostoyevsky portrays memoirs of an ex-government officer through this philosophical novel Notes from the Underground. Written in two parts, first part criticize the emerging western philosophy. Second part details the regretful incidents of the narrator's life and the unbearable sorrows turning him to stop reacting to it. The narrator at one..

My Man Jeeves

My Man Jeeves

by P. G. Wodehouse

My Man Jeeves is a collection of humor short stories written by P. G. Wodehouse featuring his popular character Bertram Wooster who gets into traps and his manservant Jeeves who always comes to rescue him with his intelligent plans. The eight stories are titled as titled "Leave It to Jeeves", "Jeeves and the Unbidden Guest", "Jeeves and the Hard-bo..

Eve's Diary

Eve's Diary

by Mark Twain

Eve's Diary is a comical narration of the first women Eve's life from her creation, her life at Eden, meeting her man Adam and her expulsion from Eden. Unlike other books of series, Eve's diary is written in lighter tone with a strong appreciation for beauty and love. It is believed that the death of his wife Olivia Langdon Clemens would have provo..

Women in Love

Women in Love

by D. H. Lawrence

Women in Love is one of the most controversial novels which deal with sexual relationship of similar genders. There has been rumors that D. H. Lawrence would have portrayed himself through Rupert Birkin and his wife Frieda through Ursula. The novel starts up sisters Gudrun and Ursula falls in love with Gerald Crich and Rupert Birkin. Soon new relat..

White Fang

White Fang

by Jack London

Jack London's White Fang narrates the story of a Dog's transformation from wildness to domestication. In contrast to the author's popular novel The call of the wild which explored the transformation from domestic to wild, White fang is thematic mirror of it. Much of the novel is narrated from animals point of view on world and humans...

Lyrical Ballads

Lyrical Ballads

by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Collectively written by English Poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, this poetry collection Lyrical Ballads has become a landmark of modern English poetry and literature. While most of the poems are written by Wordsworth in the first edition, Coleridge's contributed to the collection with most popular work of his life time The Rime..

A Tramp Abroad

A Tramp Abroad

by Mark Twain

Considered to be the sequel of his earlier work The Innocents Abroad, Mark Twain's A Tramp Abroad narrates his journey to Europe along with his friend Harris. Though the team had a goal of walking, there were inevitable moments of using other modes of travel. Throughout the travel though Twain has to pretend to understand what ever he see, in reali..

The Pickwick Papers

The Pickwick Papers

by Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens's debut novel The Pickwick Papers narrates the life of the then London remote places being researched by a group of wealthy gentlemen and their adventures through out their travel. The success of the novel could be attributed to Dickens's portrayal of comical illustration and exaggerated characterization through the key characters l..