• Eight Pillars of Prosperity

Eight Pillars of Prosperity

by James Allen

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Discussion on Energy, Economy, Integrity, Systems, Sympathy, Sincerity, Impartiality, Self-Reliance, and the Temple of Prosperity. It is popularly supposed that a greater prosperity for individuals or nations can only come through a political and social reconstruction.This cannot be true apart from the practice of the moral virtues in the individuals that comprise a nation. Better laws and social conditions will always follow a higher realization of morality among the individuals of a community, but no legal enactment can give prosperity to, nay, it cannot prevent the ruin of, a man or a nation that has become lax and decadent in the pursuit and practice of virtue. The moral virtues are the foundation and support of prosperity as they are the soul of greatness. They endure forever, and all the works of man which endure are built upon them. Without them there is neither strength, stability, nor substantial reality, but only ephemeral dreams. To find moral principles is to have found prosperity, greatness, truth, and is therefore to be strong, valiant, joyful, and free.

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  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: Eight Pillars
  • Chapter 2: First Pillar Energy
  • Chapter 3: Second Pillar Economy
  • Chapter 4: Third Pillar Integrity
  • Chapter 5: Fourth Pillar System
  • Chapter 6: Fifth Pillar Sympathy
  • Chapter 7: Sixth Pillar Sincerity
  • Chapter 8: Seventh Pillar Impartiality
  • Chapter 9: Eighth Pillar Self-reliance
  • Chapter 10: The Temple of Prosperity


Eight Pillars of Prosperity audiobook is available for free download in MP3, M4Bfile formats and also can be listened as iTunes Podcast.

M4B Part 1