• Democracy in America

Democracy in America

by Alexis de Tocqueville

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When Alexis de Tocqueville visited America in the 1830s he found a thriving democracy of a kind he had not seen anywhere else. Many of his insightful observations American society and political system, found in the two volume book he published after his visit, still remain surprisingly relevant today.

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  • Introduction & Special Introduction
  • Chapter I: Exterior Form Of North America
  • Chapter II: Origin Of The Anglo-Americans Part I
  • Chapter II: Origin Of The Anglo-Americans Part II
  • Chapter III: Social Conditions Of The Anglo-Americans
  • Chapter IV: The Principle Of The Sovereignty Of The People In Am
  • Chapter V: Necessity Of Examining The Condition Of The States Pa
  • Chapter V: Necessity Of Examining The Condition Of The States Pa
  • Chapter V: Necessity Of Examining The Condition Of The States Pa
  • Chapter VI: Judicial Power In The United States
  • Chapter VII: Political Jurisdiction In The United States
  • Chapter VIII: The Federal Constitution Part I
  • Chapter VIII: The Federal Constitution Part II
  • Chapter VIII: The Federal Constitution Part III
  • Chapter VIII: The Federal Constitution Part IV
  • Chapter VIII: The Federal Constitution Part V
  • Chapter IX: Why The People May Strictly Be Said To Govern In The
  • Chapter X: Parties In The United States
  • Chapter XI: Liberty Of The Press In The United States
  • Chapter XII: Political Associations In The United States
  • Chapter XIII: Government Of The Democracy In America Part I
  • Chapter XIII: Government Of The Democracy In America Part II
  • Chapter XIII: Government Of The Democracy In America Part III
  • Chapter XIV: Advantages American Society Derive From Democracy P
  • Chapter XIV: Advantages American Society Derive From Democracy P
  • Chapter XV: Unlimited Power Of Majority, And Its Consequences Pa
  • Chapter XV: Unlimited Power Of Majority, And Its Consequences Pa
  • Chapter XVI: Causes Mitigating Tyranny In The United States Part
  • Chapter XVI: Causes Mitigating Tyranny In The United States Part
  • Chapter XVII: Principal Causes Maintaining The Democratic Republ
  • Chapter XVII: Principal Causes Maintaining The Democratic Republ
  • Chapter XVII: Principal Causes Maintaining The Democratic Republ
  • Chapter XVII: Principal Causes Maintaining The Democratic Republ
  • Chapter XVIII: Future Condition Of Three Races In The United Sta
  • Chapter XVIII: Future Condition Of Three Races Part II
  • Chapter XVIII: Future Condition Of Three Races Part III
  • Chapter XVIII: Future Condition Of Three Races Part IV
  • Chapter XVIII: Future Condition Of Three Races Part V
  • Chapter XVIII: Future Condition Of Three Races Part VI
  • Chapter XVIII: Future Condition Of Three Races Part VII
  • Chapter XVIII: Future Condition Of Three Races Part VIII
  • Chapter XVIII: Future Condition Of Three Races Part IX
  • Chapter XVIII: Future Condition Of Three Races Part X
  • Conclusion
  • Chapter XI: Liberty Of The Press In The United States - French o
  • De Tocqueville's Preface To Vol II
  • Part I: De Tocqueville's Preface To The Second Part:
  • p1c03: Why The Americans Display More Readiness And More Taste F
  • 1.05: Of The Manner In Which Religion In The United States Avail
  • 1.07: Of The Cause Of A Leaning To Pantheism Amongst Democratic
  • 1.09: The Example of the Americans Does Not Prove That a Democra
  • 1.11: The Spirit in Which the Americans Cultivate the Arts; 1.12
  • 1.13: Literary Characteristics of Democratic Ages; 1.14: The Tra
  • 1.15: The Study of Greek and Latin Literature Peculiarly Useful
  • 1.17: Some of the Sources of Poetry among Democratic Nations; 1
  • 1.19: Some Observations on the Drama amongst Democratic Nations;
  • 1.21: Of Parliamentary Eloquence in the United States
  • Part 2: Influence of Democracy on the Feelings of Americans
  • 2.03: Individualism Stronger at the Close of a Democratic Revolu
  • 2.05: Of the Use which the Americans Make of Public Associations
  • 2.07: Connection of Civil and Political Associations; 2.08: The
  • 2.09: That the Americans Apply the Principle of Interest Rightly
  • 2.11: Peculiar Effects of the Love of Physical Gratifications in
  • 2.13: Causes of the Restless Spirit of Americans in the Midst of
  • 2.15 That Religious Belief Sometimes Turns the Thoughts of the A
  • 2.17: That in Times Marked by Equality of Conditions and Sceptic
  • 2.19: That Almost All the Americans Follow Industrial Callings;
  • 3:21 Why Great Revolutions Will Become More Rare , 3:22 Why Demo
  • 3:23 Which Is The Most Warlike And Most Revolutionary Class In D
  • 3:25 Of Discipline In Democratic Armies . 3.26 Some Considerati
  • Book 3 : Influence of Democracy on Manners, Properly So Called
  • 3.03: Why the Americans Show So Little Sensitiveness in Their Ow
  • 3.05: How Democracy Affects the Relation of Masters and Servents
  • 3.07: Influence of Democracy on Wager; 3.08: Influence of Democr
  • 3.09: Education of Young Women in the United States; 3.10: The Y
  • 3.11: That the Equality of Conditions Contributes to the Mainten
  • 3.13: That the Principle of Equality Naturally Divides the Ameri
  • 3.15: Of the Gravity of the Americans, and Why It Does Not Preve
  • 3.17: That the Aspect of Society in the United States Is at Once
  • 3.19: Why So Many Ambitious Men and So Little Lofty Ambition Are
  • Book 4: Influence of Democratic Opinions on Political Society 4.
  • 4.03: That the Sentiments of Democratic Nations Accord with Thei
  • 4.05: That Amongst the European Nations of Our Time the Power of
  • 4.07: Continuation of the Preceding Chapters; 4.08: General Surv


Democracy in America audiobook is available for free download in MP3, M4Bfile formats and also can be listened as iTunes Podcast.

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M4B Part 4