Charles Dickens audiobooks
A Tale of Two Cities
by Charles DickensA tale of two cities is the one of the only two historical fiction works of Charles Dickens. The uncertain life during French revolution, its reflection in England, the vengeance over aristocrats and victimization of innocent aristocrats have been explored intimately in this novel...
Great Expectations
by Charles DickensGreat Expectations is a novel written by Charles Dickens about an orphan's blind expectations of becoming wealthy by unanimous source. Pip becomes an orphan at early age and finds his shelter with his sister and brother in law...
Oliver Twist
by Charles DickensOliver Twist is a fiction novel written by Charles Dickens about many social issues specifically about child labor, labor laws and recruiting children for crimes. This novel narrates the life of Oliver Twist, an Orphan who is brought up in a baby farm. He loses the status of child when he turned nine and had to work for his bread and butter at a we..
A Christmas Carol
by Charles DickensA Christmas Carol is a novel written by Charles Dickens, which has greatly rejuvenated old Christmas traditions. Ebenezer Scrooge, in spite of being a man with huge wealth never enjoy the celebrations of life and never bother about the needy one. As for as he is concerned Christmas is just another day in his life and he does not spend a penny to ce..
David Copperfield
by Charles DickensCharles Dickens portrays his own life through this novel's protagonist David Copperfield. The stars were not aligned in his favor when David was born after death of his father. His childhood life was relatively happy going till her mother married his step-father, when he was at seven. The death of his mother after giving birth to his half-sister ma..
Hard Times
by Charles DickensHard Times is a novel written by English novelist Charles Dickens and the only Dicken's work without illustration and preface. This novel explores the what could be the right education and children shall not be raised by facts and calculations alone. Louisa and Tom are raised by their father Mr. Gradgrind without knowing the beauty of life like soc..
Bleak House
by Charles DickensBleak House, which criticized the English Legal and Judicial system is Charles Dickens's finest novel with an array of subplots. Derived thorough real life wills of Charles Day and William Jennens and of Charlotte Smith's father-in-law Richard Smith; and his own experiences of attempting to copyright his books, Dickens portrayed the devastating ann..
The Pickwick Papers
by Charles DickensCharles Dickens's debut novel The Pickwick Papers narrates the life of the then London remote places being researched by a group of wealthy gentlemen and their adventures through out their travel. The success of the novel could be attributed to Dickens's portrayal of comical illustration and exaggerated characterization through the key characters l..