Biography & Autobiography audiobooks
Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 2: The Massacres of the South
by Alexandre DumasThis vintage book contains Alexandre Dumas’s historical chronicle “Massacres of the South – 1551-1815”. It was first published as part of his eight-volume series “Celebrated Crimes” (1839 – 1840), and recounts the fascinating story of the brutal battles fought in the south of France and Spain over two and a half centuries in the name of religion. A..
Chapters from my Autobiography
by Mark TwainThe Autobiography of Mark Twain refers to a lengthy set of reminiscences, dictated, for the most part, in the last few years of American author Mark Twain's life and left in typescript and manuscript at his death. The Autobiography comprises a rambling collection of anecdotes and ruminations rather than a conventional autobiography. Twain never com..
Charles Dickens
by G. K. ChestertonChesterton's books and essays on Charles Dickens are among his best. Growing up in London Chesterton found Dickens his best guide to his own background and much of his philosophy came from Dickens's own "social gospel." To understand Chesterton you need to read his biography on Dickens. It will help you understand why he called himself a "disreputa..
George Bernard Shaw
by G. K. ChestertonA typical biography by Chesterton about his personal friend and philosophical opponent Georges Bernard Shaw, whom he studies as a critic and a dramatist. Unfortunately this book was written in 1909, when Shaw still had not written two of his most important plays: Pygmalion and The Apple Cart. Chesterton understood Shaw as a sort of secular Pur..
by Graf Leo TolstoyChildhood is the first published novel by Leo Tolstoy, released under the initials L. N. in the November 1852 issue of the popular Russian literary journal The Contemporary. It is the first in a series of three novels and is followed by Boyhood and Youth. Published when Tolstoy was just twenty-three years old, the book was an immediate success, ear..
by Graf Leo TolstoyBoyhood is the second novel in Leo Tolstoy's autobiographical trilogy, following Childhood and followed by Youth. The novel was first published in the Russian literary journal Sovremennik in 1854. Begun in 1851, when Tolstoy was twenty-three and serving as a cadet in the Russian army, Childhood, the first part of Tolstoy’s first novel, won imm..
by Isaac AsimovYouth is a science fiction short story written by Isaac Asimov. Two kids while playing found small & unique animals like creatures and take it to their custody for fun play. Meanwhile their father an Astronomer has been contacted by aliens to seek support to find their space ship which has lost communication from them. The Astronomer on his way to..
France At War: On the Frontier of Civilization
by Rudyard KiplingThere was a specimen tree—a tree worthy of such a park—the sort of tree visitors are always taken to admire. A ladder ran up it to a platform. What little wind there was swayed the tall top, and the ladder creaked like a ship's gangway. A telephone bell tinkled 50 foot overhead. Two invisible guns spoke fervently for half a minute, and broke off li..