• An Antarctic Mystery or The Sphinx of the Ice Fields

An Antarctic Mystery or The Sphinx of the Ice Fields

by Jules Verne

Listen to streaming audio of An Antarctic Mystery or The Sphinx of the Ice Fields audiobook and download all Jules Verne audiobooks in MP3,and M4B formats for free from our library.


An Antarctic Mystery is a marine fiction novel by Jules Verne, in which author refers characters in Edgar Allan Poe's novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. Jane disappears and the remains of it and the crew is unknown. Captain William Guy's brother Len Guy takes the voyage in Halbrane in search of it. Len Guy gets support from strangers Hunt, a sailor and a wildlife explorer Jeorling. Halbrane successfully breaks through Ice free antarctic region, but reaches a desert which was demolished by a natural calamity. Meanwhile Halbrane shipwreck and what could happen to both ships.

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Listen To Streaming Audio

  • 01 The Kerguelen Islands.
  • 02 The Schooner Halbrane
  • 03 Captain Len Guy
  • 04 From the Kerguelen Isles to Prince Edward Island
  • 05 Edgar Poe s Romance
  • 06 An Ocean Waif
  • 07 Tristan DAcunha
  • 08 Bound for the Falklands
  • 09 Fitting out the Halbrane
  • 10 The Outset of the Enterprise
  • 11 From the Sandwich Islands to the Polar Circle
  • 12 Between the Polar Circle and the Ice Wall
  • 13 Along the Front of the Icebergs
  • 14 A Voice in a Dream
  • 15 Bennet Islet
  • 16 Tsalal Island
  • 17-1 And Pym
  • 17-2 And Pym
  • 18-1 A Revelation pt 1
  • 18-2 A Revelation pt 2
  • 19-1 Land
  • 19-2 Land
  • 20-1 Unmerciful Disaster pt 1
  • 20-2 -Unmerciful Disaster
  • 20-3 Unmerciful Disaster
  • 21 Amid the Mists
  • 22 In Camp
  • 23 Found at Last
  • 24 Eleven Years in a Few Pages
  • 25 We Were the First
  • 26 A Little Remnant


An Antarctic Mystery or The Sphinx of the Ice Fields audiobook is available for free download in MP3, M4Bfile formats and also can be listened as iTunes Podcast.

M4B Part 1