Round the Moon: A Sequel to From the Earth to the Moon
by Jules Verne
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With writing of Around the Moon french novelist Jules Verne, continues his previous novel From the Earth to the Moon. Three members of the Baltimore Gun Club Barbicane, Nicholl and Michel Ardan along with a Dog are starts traveling in the surface after the project was fired from Columbiad Space Gun. The project path is deviated from its original plan after asteroid passersby. The team encounters with many adventures including meeting dead point where earth & moon have equal gravitation force. The explore the moon and plan their return to the moon. Now they have a tough job in hand to fall back on earth against the gravitation force, else crash land in the earth.Similar Bookshelves
Science FictionListen To Streaming Audio
- 00 Preliminary Chapter
- 01 Twenty Minutes Past Ten To Forty-Seven Minutes Past Ten P.M
- 02 The First Half-Hour
- 03 Their Place of Shelter
- 04 A Little Algebra
- 05 The Cold of Space
- 06 Question and Answer
- 07 A Moment of Intoxication
- 08 At Seventy-Eight Thousand Five Hundred and Fourteen Leagues
- 09 The Consequences of a Deviation
- 10 The Observers of the Moon
- 11 Fancy and Reality
- 12 Orographic Details
- 13 Lunar Landscapes
- 14 The Night of Three Hundred and Fifty-four Hours and a Half
- 15 Hyperbola or Parabola
- 16 The Southern Hemisphere
- 17 Tycho
- 18 Grave Questions
- 19 A Struggle Against the Impossible
- 20 The Soundings of the Susquehanna
- 21 J.T. Maston Recalled
- 22 Recovered From the Sea
- 23 The End
Round the Moon: A Sequel to From the Earth to the Moon audiobook is available for free download in MP3, M4Bfile formats and also can be listened as iTunes Podcast.
M4B Part 1