Academic audiobooks
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The Elements of Style
by William StrunkThe Elements of Style is a prescriptive American English writing style guide in numerous editions. The original was composed by William Strunk , in 1918, and published by Harcourt, in 1920, comprising eight "elementary rules of usage", ten "elementary principles of composition", "a few matters of form", a list of 49 "words and expressions commonly ..
Democracy in America
by Alexis de TocquevilleWhen Alexis de Tocqueville visited America in the 1830s he found a thriving democracy of a kind he had not seen anywhere else. Many of his insightful observations American society and political system, found in the two volume book he published after his visit, still remain surprisingly relevant today...
As a Man Thinketh
by James AllenJames Allen's philosophical work As a Man Thinketh is a motivational book which illustrates the power of thought. Allen's philosophy is that thoughts are everything and it lead a person to success or miserable...
The History of the Peloponnesian War
by ThucydidesServing himself as a Military General in the war fought in the Ancient Greece between Sparta and Athens, Thucydides was unbiased while documenting The History of the Peloponnesian War. Thucydides's unique and well chronologically written historical work enabled him to become The father of the school of political realism...
On War
by Carl von ClausewitzOn War is a classic work on military strategy by Carl von Clausewitz, a veteran of the Napoleonic Wars. The author's style is dialectical: he makes two strong but opposing statements and then draws them together to describe many facets of war. Free of technical jargon, and suitable for modern readers...
The History of Herodotus Vol. 1
by HerodotusThe Histories of Herodotus of Halicarnassus is considered the first work of history in Western literature. Written about 440 BC, the Histories tell the story of the war between the Persian Empire and the Greek city-states in the 5th century BC. Herodotus traveled extensively around the ancient world, conducting interviews and collecting stories for..
The Theory of the Leisure Class
by Thorstein Bunde VeblenThe Theory of the Leisure Class is an economic treatise by American economist Thorstein Bunde Veblen, which criticizes the so called business and royal classes for not contributing to the real needs of society. Thorstein has a strong view that the middle and labor class production runs the human society and the business class spends unproductive le..
The Wars of the Jews
by Flavius JosephusThe Wars of the Jews is historical work of Jewish history starting with capture of Jerusalem in 164 BC by Antiochus IV Epiphanes to the destruction of it in Jewish–Roman War. The book was written about 75, originally in Josephus's "paternal tongue", probably Aramaic, though this version has not survived. It was later translated into Greek, probably..